nights moonlight!
new membership of .membership royalist. should cost RM 14 or free for those who purchase amounted RM 150 & above
membership royalist privileges
1. 10% off all qualifying¹ purchases from for one year
2. a birthday gift when you come in a or visit during your birthday month to receive a discount of up to RM20 towards your next purchase.
3. exclusive email updates on what's happening in and blogspot
4. special offers by e-mail and direct mail
5. special savings during "customer appreciation days"
6. rewards with fourth and eighth qualifying purchase ² ³
7. earn your fourth point, and receive a discount of up to RM15 towards your next purchase.
8. earn your eighth point, and receive a discount of up to RM25 towards your next purchase and a free membership renewal.
.membership royalist. terms & conditions
this card entitles the bearer to special privileges as a member of the loyalty program and is subject to its term & conditions
this card is not transferable, & is not valid unless signed
this cars should be presented upon the time of purchase
you may hold only one loyalty card at any time
any loses of card shall be regarded to & new card shall be provided
1 discount cannot be applied towards gift card purchases, purchases of charitable items and purchases of .mebership royalist.
2 member pays difference (including tax) when the cart value exceeds the value of the birthday/point reward.
3 members receive one point for each qualifying purchase of RM20 or more (RM20 - RM49.99), and two points for each qualifying purchase of $50 or more (+RM50). maximum of 2 points can be earned per transaction regardless of spend. birthday gift/free product may not be counted towards a qualifying purchase.